The first step to any repair is getting into the guts of the device…. primarily without damaging it.
There is very little information on the web about the internals of these devices. It looks very similar to the Violet Wand made by the Master company, so I got hold of some diagrams from patents and took it from there.
All of the information on the internals I could find, was available at
The wand could be unscrewed in the middle, but the parts couldn’t be separated. Something was stopping it from coming apart.
The Violet Wand has two small indents near the intensity adjuster.

I was hoping that there were screws in “dem dere indents”. I carefully scraped at the indents and found that they were in fact some sort of wax.
It them became obvious that the intensity adjustment know was in the way. The intensity knob is very tight on a thread and care needs to be taken to remove it. First wind out the intensity knob as far as you can and push the plastic washers towards the bulk of the unit. You can then see a “flat” on the brass shaft. A small, narrow spanner (about 3mm I think) can be put onto this flat. Wrap the plastic adjustment knob in a rag or piece of leather and then carefully use vice grips to grab onto it – remember this is “old skool” plastic – it can be very brittle! You should be able to unsrew the know from the shaft – it’s NOT a reverse thread, so the usual “lefty loosy” applies.

Once the knob is removed, the two pieces of the main device can be unscrewed.

For some reason, although the top half of the device rotates freely around the upper transformer (??), they will not separate. I’ll try to find out how to remove the upper cover, but in the mean time, I can still check the working of the lower half of the electrics.
You need a 5/16 socket sanded down very thin to remove the nut at the bast of the collet, so that you can remove the top half without damage. I am working on an identical one, having a little trouble getting the knob loose.
I found that a grinding wheel and an old socket was the best way to remove the collet nut, mine was actually loose and my problem was screwing it back on. I had to grind the socket until it was almost split to be able to get it past the electrode holder which has a smaller diameter at the tip than at the base.
You can buy a special collet nut driver from a couple of vendors, but as I didn’t want to wait a couple of weeks for shipping from the US I managed to do it this way, just don’t expect to be able to use the socket for anything else when you have almost ground it down to it’s teeth !
Hope this helps if you are having problems with the collet nut on this type of wand.
Any other sources for said tool other than Dr. Clockwork? I know it’s a specialty tool, but $20??
Hello , i have a Nimbus Beauty Box supplied by Hospital Equipment & Laboratory Products Ltd . Complete with 5 glass electrodes , i am pretty confident that the electronics are in order , which leaves the hand held Tesla Coil . I wonder if you have any replacements or information .
Kind Regards John .
Do you have a diagram for the Edison light adapter for the wand?