With the lower cover removed, it becomes clear that the internals of this Violet wand are very similar to the Master brand unit. This should make it a lot easier to find problems than blind investigation.
The intensity knob is mechanically linked to an electrode which contacts with an armature. I believe the armature oscillates electromagnetically due to making and breaking the circuit as the primary coil is energized.

I believe the big outer yellow cylinder may be a capacitor, but not 100% sure as of yet.
The electrodes were very dirty and oxidised, so I’ve used some very fine grit sand paper to remove the oxidisation and see if this is all that’s wrong with it.

The problem seems to be more than just dirty electrodes. I’ll have to investigate further…
Yes the yellow part is the capacitor, this is a part that is commonly damaged over time with extended use, as I have repaired quite a few..
H, can you tell me more about repairing these devices?