I’ve managed to find some very useful information on a Violet Ray design through the Google Patents website. The patent number is 1506344. The link to the patent is http://www.google.com/patents?q=1506344. This patent isn’t for the model I’m trying to repair, but it gives some very useful information.
This includes a basic electrical circuit and theory of operation.
It also confirms my suspicions that the yellow cylinder covering the primary coil is likely to be the capacitor (Condenser). I suspected it as this yellow component didn’t appear to contain a winding coil and appears to be permanently connected in series with the primary coil to the AC power in.

I hope to test the individual components this weekend and should be able to deduce what’s wrong with it.
Hi John
Could you please advice how to replace a condensor in the violet ray wand and the required capacity of the condensor
Did you have any luck?