Following on from my previous post working out the EP Solar Tracer serial protocol, I’ve got code working on a Raspberry Pi. It’s even validating the CRC checksum.
If you just want the code, get over to https://github.com/StereotypicalSquirrel/TracerComms.
It’s released under the GPLv2 license.
The repository includes a compiled binary (Link) and a basic script to use the data.sparkfun.com service.
Just call the TracerComms binary with the –help flag for more information.
By default if there is an error, the binary will return nothing. Use the –verbose and –debug flags for more info.
I’m using the RS-232 for Linux and Windows library by Teunis van Beelen for the RS232 communication.
Some of the other wires can source some current at 12V.
Using a 12V to 5V regulator, may I power the Rasp from the EPSolar/battery setup?
Many thanks for this. Got my charge controller wired up and working. Hopefully I intend to use the data to switch the panels between charge controller and grid tie inverter dependent on charge state of batteries using some relays with the raspberry pi.