Before the advent of cheap(ish) LoRaWAN gateways, the most cost effective option for me was to put a Laird RG191 in a waterproof enclosure, add PoE input and an external antenna connector.
These gateways worked fine on The Things Network (v2), but with the move over to the new The Things Network v3 stack, documentation has been unclear how to move them across. Some of the documentation advises moving to LNS, but this seems a bit of a rather complex process.
I started looking into manually setting up the gateway to use the legacy Semtech Forwarder and manually setup the radio, but ran into one major problem – The Gateway will not allow you to choose frequencies in the AU915 band plan, even though on TTNv2 it will happily work on AU915.

After a bit of messing about, I realised that these limitations are only in the Web GUI. You can download the current LoRa configuration as a JSON file, modify it and reupload it. The Web GUI still shows errrors, but it definitely works.
One thing to note is that the Gateway EUI is only displayed after the Forwarder has beens changed.
Click here to download a JSON config file containing the AU915 frequencies – You will need to change the Network Server Address if you are not using the au1 server.

thanks for this, very helpful, it worked for me! Upgrade to V3 TTN is proving to be more challenging than I had hoped.