My beer fridge that chills three kegs of beer broke overnight!
An urgent fix is on the cards!

I’ve owned a fridge like the above unit for a few years, but it suddenly died. The LED display on the front was totally dead, the fan stopped working and the compressor was not cooling my beer – This was a high priority situation that required immediate intervention!

There was a very basic circuit diagram on the back of the fridge. Since everything was dead, I guessed the problem was either a fuse, or the primary control board.

I pulled the control board out (as per above), got my multimeter and started testing the circuit.
The control board includes an AC to 12V DC module (Orange block). I was pretty confident that my problem was either an AC supply issue, or a failure of the 12V DC module.
After a few more minutes of probing, I soon realised the AC mains was fine and this 12V power supply module had failed.

This module seemed to have a fairly standard pin spacing. 20mm between the AC input, 10mm between the DC output and 20mm of AC/DC separation.
I desoldered the module and searched for a suitable replacement.

The part number in the existing unit was a Zettler ZP05S1200WF, but the closest equivalent I could find was a ZP05S1200WB – All the other specs mathched, I have no idea what the difference is.
Link to part :
I’ve ordered the replacement from Digikey. In the meantime I guess I’ll have to put up with warm beer….