Here’s how to modify an RF Elements Twist Port Adapter from H+V to Slant 45.
Note that this change DOES NOT change an attached antenna from H+V to Slant 45, it just corrects the orientation of the Twist Port Adapter so that it sits vertical on an atenna rather than at a 45 degree angle.
If you make this change and attach it to a standard H+V horn, the signal will still be H+V, but this twist port adapter will be on an angle – Basically, you need to modify BOTH the horn and the adapter.
You will only need one tool for this modification, a Torx T-10 screwdriver

hi the radio frequency listed here https://www.john.geek.nz/scannerfreq/Frequencies/Auckland/
do they still work most a lot i try and i leave my radio on for a long time i get nothing
one of the ambulance ones did work