If you are perfoming regular automated backups (like you should), You’ll soon find you are running out of space and need to start deleting old backups.
Here is a really simple way to delete files that are more than x days old.
It can easily be worked into a batch file to be run at the same time as an automated backup.
Forfiles -p c:\path -s -m *.* -d -14 -c "cmd /c del /q @path"
Change the *.* to a more specific file mask (eg: backup*.zip). The 14 specifies files older than 14 days, so change this to suit your purposes.
If you want to check what files will be deleted, this will display them:
Forfiles -p c:\path -s -m *.* -d -14 -c "Cmd /C Echo 0x22@Path\@File0x22"